About us

The Global Startup Awards (GSA) started in 2012 in the Nordics and was such a major success in the region that after just the first season it was evident this was a powerful platform to further connect startup ecosystems, entrepreneurs and innovators in other parts of the world.  Today, the GSA is the largest independent startup-ecosystem competition spanning over 10 regions throughout the Nordics, Europe, Asia, and Africa.

The Western Africa Startup Awards offers a ray of hope as it spotlights tech startups, businesses, innovators and supporters across the regions, linking each country to create a stronger, integrated brand.

Our mission is to:

  • Connect, support and celebrate founders of technology and innovation
  • Form a global entrepreneurial network
  • Create an excellent environment for partnership and investment opportunities, and commercial exchange


The Team

The Africa Startup Awards team works towards creating immeasurable opportunities for startups of the Western Africa region to rise together as visionaries with disruptive ideas to drive Africa and the rest of the world forward.

The Global Startup Awards is the umbrella organisation and foundation of the Western Africa Startup Awards. It provides the platform to elevate and associate all participating regions.